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Philanthropy vs Charity: What Are the Differences?

Philanthropy vs Charity: What Are the Differences?

If you are looking for a way to help the local community, you have probably thought about giving back. There are multiple ways to give back. For example, you may be thinking about volunteering with a charity organization, or you might be thinking about engaging in some philanthropy.

Even though there is a lot of overlap between the two, there are some notable differences. It is important to listen to a professional, such as Douglas Gerard Kleinsmith, who can help you review the differences and figure out what is best for your needs.

Long-Term vs. Immediate Relief

According to Doug Kleinsmith, one of the first differences between philanthropy and strategy is the time over which it takes place.

If you want to do something right now, you may want to call up a local charity to see what opportunities they have available. A charity is typically focused on providing immediate relief, and it is usually driven by emotion.

On the other hand, philanthropy is usually a longer-term project. For example, you may work with a nonprofit organization to conduct a massive charity drive that will benefit a certain segment of the population.

If you are focused on solving major problems over a longer amount of time, that would be an example of philanthropy. In general, philanthropy is going to focus on relief, improvement, and social reform. Social reform is not something that happens overnight.

Action Versus Donations

Another major difference between philanthropy and charity is how the positive effects take place.

In general, a charity is focused on donating money. For example, it might be the job of a local charity to figure out what organizations or segments of the population need help. Then, they will donate money in an effort to help them. This is the nidus of the term “giving charity.”

According to Doug Kleinsmith, philanthropy is generally focused on action. Instead of simply giving money somewhere, philanthropic efforts will generally involve physically doing something. While a philanthropic organization is certainly still going to spend money to make it happen, it is more likely to use boots on the ground.

Both charity and philanthropy are important, but there are a few differences in the manner in which they exert their positive effects. People need to figure out what is best for their needs.

Find the Right Way To Support the Local Community

Ultimately, these are just a few of the top differences between philanthropy and charity. According to Douglas Gerard Kleinsmith, both can be beneficial. After all, both are designed to help communities that may not have a lot of support.

At the same time, philanthropy usually involves long-term action and change, while charity is often a single instance. If you want to make an impact on your local community, you may want to start by talking with some of the charitable organizations in your area. They may be able to help you put together a long-term strategy that can benefit the community.

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